Number of articles: 145
Reading the Gospel
We will get to know Jesus if we “live” the Gospel. We offer a weekly video of Saint Josemaría (1'45'').
The Sacrament of Penance
God helps us through the sacraments. In confession he forgives us as a loving father (1’26’’).
VIDEO: Our Blessed Mother in the month of May
St. Josemaria always advised us to grow closer to our Blessed Mother during the month of May. In this short video we gather together footage of him speaking about the Mother of God.
Video: Saint Josemaría speaks about the founding of Opus Dei
Video clips of Saint Josemaría speaking about the founding of Opus Dei on October 2, 1928 (in Spanish).
VIDEO: A Gift of God
Video on the life of the founder of Opus Dei. Length: 46m. 55s. Download: Real Player (37.9 Mb); Windows Media (43.3 Mb); QuickTime (36.1 Mb).