Number of articles: 128

Letter from the Prelate (September 2014)

Bishops Javier Echevarria suggests going to our Lady's help to prepare well for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo, and asks for prayers for those suffering religious persecution throughout the world.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (August 2014)

A reflection on the Prelate's visit to Central America and on how we can best celebrate the many marian feasts in August.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (July 2014)

The Prelate suggests that, besides intensifying our prayer, we can also prepare very well for the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo by carrying out works of mercy.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate on the Beatification

With the beatification of Alvaro del Portillo only a few months away, the Prelate has written a short letter with suggestions on how to prepare for this event.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (June 2014)

The Prelate's June letter focuses on the theological virtue of hope. He invites us to pray with Alvaro del Portillo: "Lord, do not trust in me; but I do trust in you."

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (May 2014)

"Our Lady guides us to the shortest and surest path to always obtain God’s mercy," the Prelate assures us, echoing the advice of Saint Josemaria and Bishop Alvaro del Portillo.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (April 2014)

The Prelate urges us to prepare ourselves very well for Holy Week, also by having devout recourse to the sacrament of Confession and helping others to do so.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (March 2014)

The Prelate focuses on the virtues of fidelity and loyalty, in the context of the centennial of Alvaro del Portillo's birth.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (February 2014)

The Prelate points to Don Alvaro's love for the Holy Cross, in the context of a new anniversary of the 14th of February.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Letter from the Prelate (January 2014)

The Prelate asks us to make a special effort to live fraternity with all men and women, created in the image and likeness of God, and redeemed by Christ.

Pastoral Letters and Messages