Number of articles: 471

Prayer Vigil for Festival of Families

The address Pope Francis prepared for this event in the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, with a video summary of his spontaneous spoken remarks.

From the Church and the Pope

Pope Francis in the United States

Links to all of Pope Francis' homilies and major addresses during his recent trip, including in-flight press conference on return flight to Rome.

From the Church and the Pope

Canonization of Junipero Serra

Homily given by Pope Francis in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C., at the Mass of canonization for Blessed Junipero Serra.

From the Church and the Pope

Apostolic Visit to Cuba and the U.S.

Complete itinerary for Pope Francis' September 19-28 trip, with Rome Reports video about a social media campaign to welcome the Holy Father.

From the Church and the Pope

eBook: Catechesis on the Family (vol. II)

Addresses on the topic of the family given by Pope Francis in his Wednesday audiences from April 15 to June 24, 2015.

From the Church and the Pope

"The family needs a miracle"

In his homily on July 6 in Ecuador, Pope Francis points to our Lady's role at Cana and asks people to go to Mary's intercession, since families today need Christ to work a new miracle.

From the Church and the Pope

5 Tips from the Pope on the Internet and TV

During a recent encounter with young people in Sarajevo, Pope Francis gave some practical advice about the use of television, smartphones, computers, tablets.…

From the Church and the Pope

"Witnesses to the beauty of life"

On June 15, Pope Francis spoke to families from Rome about the mystery and beauty of being parents in God's creative plan, "based on the diversity of being man and woman, the 'first' and most fundamental difference, constitutive of the human being."

From the Church and the Pope

LAUDATO SI’ – On Care For Our Common Home

Some extracts from Pope Francis' second encyclical LAUDATO SI’, with link to entire text on Vatican website in several formats.

From the Church and the Pope

Poem That Inspired Ecology Encyclical

English translation of Saint Francis' "Canticle of the Sun" (written in the Umbrian dialect), from which Pope Francis took the title for his encyclical "Laudato Si."

From the Church and the Pope