Number of articles: 1011

August Recollection Kit (2022)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. This guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

Fostering Interior Life

A Door Opening to Mystery: the Athanasian Creed

The Athanasian Creed – also known by its first words “Quicumque vult” – is a summary of truths of the faith about the Most Holy Trinity and the Incarnation. Saint Josemaría used to pray and meditate on this text on the third Sunday of each month, to grow in his love for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Fostering Interior Life

Supernumeraries: In the Bloodstream of Society

Supernumeraries: the men and women who are the most frequently seen face of Opus Dei.

Christian Life

10 Ways to Make This Summer Better

Summer offers families the opportunity to make plans together and spend more time with each other. Republished here are some helpful tips for anyone needing inspiration.

Christian Life

July Recollection Kit (2022)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. As we continue to face a global pandemic, this guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

Fostering Interior Life

Very Human, Very Divine (XIV): To Give Light, True Words

Jesus and his first disciples showed a great love for the truth, with the certainty that the truth brings with it deep joy.

Fostering Interior Life

Professional Formation (V): Finding the Right Path

In the journey on our professional path, formation helps us to keep our focus on the supernatural goal, and to integrate successfully all the different human goods in our life.

Fostering Interior Life

What is the Consecration in the Mass?

"The Holy Mass is an infinite divine madness," Saint Josemaría used to say. The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins when the priest, "in persona Christi," pronounces the words of consecration over the bread and wine. This article is dedicated to the very heart of the Mass.

Fostering Interior Life

The Life of Jesus, an Ever-Open Conversation

The proclamation of the Gospel takes on different accents in each specific epoch in history. Contemplating Christ’s example can help us in our mission.

Get to Know Christ

What is apostolate? Who are today's apostles?

The Greek word "apostoloi" means “sent.” It refers to Christ's call to the disciples to continue his own mission: proclaiming the kingdom of God throughout the world.

Fostering Interior Life