Number of articles: 50

The Scanner

I want to share a favor I received through Dora del Hoyo: I needed to send some documents that I first needed to scan, and I could not get the scanner to work properly. I remembered that Dora had done me a favor once...


Nuts and Bolts

I was cleaning the drain of a sink, and I was trying to tighten a bolt that would not fit back into place. I tried several times and nothing worked. But all that changed as soon as I said "DORA, NOW!"


A Lot of Favors

Here is a short summary of the favors that I have received by praying to Dora del Hoyo. Thank you for all this, Dora - I will continue handing out your prayer card!


It Arrived Just In Time

In my work, we make an order for fruit two days a week. Normally the fruit arrives on Fridays at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. But something unexpected ​came up earlier that week and we ended up being without fruit, and needing to prepare food for 50 people.


I Came Across Her Prayer Card

I am very impressed with Dora. About three weeks ago, I came across her prayer card in a chapel and I said to myself, "If I feel like I'm 'in a hole' for how bad I feel, then what could be better than to pray to Dora 'del Hoyo' (Spanish for 'of the hole')." I even started to use her name as a password, to remind myself to pray to her.


Dora and My Family

Minette is from Canada. "One day at an Opus Dei Centre in Vancouver, I found a prayer card (similar to St. Josemaria's prayer card that I am familiar with), but with a different picture - a picture of a lady named 'Dora'. I read it, and certain phrases struck me... 'work at the same tasks as the Blessed Virgin Mary in Nazareth' and 'spread all around me the family warmth... cheerful, selfless work...'."


An Impossible Passport Situation

In July of 2011, I began the process of renewing my passport which was to expire in October. For the first time, I was being asked for certain documents that could only be obtained in the country where I was born. But this only became clear after the passport had already expired, a fact which prevented me from traveling to obtain the documents I needed.


Everything I Was Looking For

One morning, I went out shopping for some work tools at a shopping center where I expected to find everything. But after 3 hours, I had only found one of the items I was looking for.


She Never Lets You Down

I recently told Dora that if she could get me this one favor, I would write up all the other ones that she's gotten for me as well. Since Dora never lets me down, here I am following suit.


Dear Dora, Many Thanks!

As a custom, I usually check the Opus Dei website to see if there is any new material I can pray with, or any piece of news to keep me informed. One day I read the news that the Prelate of Opus Dei was asking for testimonies of favors received through the intercession of Dora del Hoyo. I had no idea who Dora del Hoyo even was.
