Statement by University of Navarra President

After the recent terrorist attack at the University of Navarra, in which over 20 people were injured, the president of the university, Ángel J. Gómez-Montoro, made a public statement.

Above all, I would like to condemn this terrorist act. This attack on the university as an institution deserves the most energetic rejection. We thank God for not having to regret any serious personal injuries. I want to transmit to all those that were hurt my sincere wish for a speedy recovery.

I also want to thank all those that work at the University of Navarra for the calm they have shown in these moments. To them, to the students and to their families I would like to express my solidarity and I want you to know that I am particularly close to you. I believe I reflect their feelings if I say that we intend to return to normal academic and teaching activities, medical assistance as well as our research activities as soon as possible. And we will do it without fear or resentment. It is precisely at a moment like this that I believe it opportune to remind ourselves of the importance of forgiveness while calling on terrorists to cease and desist in causing human suffering.

In these moments we are truly comforted by the many signs of support and affection which we have received from institutions and countless citizens during these last hours. I want to thank all of them most sincerely. Although I cannot do so personally, I wish to extend our gratitude to them as soon as possible.