Novena for Serenity to Blessed Alvaro

Texts for nine days of prayer, asking Blessed Álvaro to intercede before God to grant us serenity and peace of heart in difficult moments or situations. Novena written by Francisco Faus.
100 Years Since St. Josemaría’s Priestly Ordination

28 March 2025 marks the hundredth anniversary of St. Josemaría’s ordination to the priesthood. Liturgical and academic events have been organized in Zaragoza, Perdiguera, and Rome. We also share a commemorative card, available to download in several languages.
St. Josemaría Escrivá’s “The Way” tops Amazon charts thanks to Hallow’s Lent challenge

This Lent, sales of “The Way” by St. Josemaría Escrivá have skyrocketed thanks to Hallow’s Lent Pray40 Challenge, with listeners diving deeper into the writings of the Spanish-born saint in his most well-known book.
Rosaura, Spain: "We went from spiritual energies to the truth of Christ"

Rosaura’s parents’ conversion completely transformed the atmosphere in their home after years of living a New Age spirituality. Her family went from following New Age practices to encountering Christ. Both she and her mother, who passed away in 2024, share their journey back to the Church and their vocation as supernumeraries in Opus Dei.
St. Josemaría: the "madness" of love for Saint Joseph

In this short video, St. Josemaría speaks about St. Joseph, our Lord's father and our Lady's husband. "He taught Jesus so many things and protected him when he was a child... How many trials our Lord sent him, and how gently he carried them out!"
“I enjoyed being able to give the Pope something back”

On the anniversary of Pope Francis' election, Vicky talks about what it meant to her to be able to speak to him and bring him a taste of his homeland after some general audiences in Rome.
Path to the Centenary (3): St. Josemaría’s Understanding of Work: an Overview

St. Josemaría taught that work is a divine vocation and a means of personal sanctification and apostolate. Inspired by the mystery of the Incarnation and the pages of Sacred Scripture, he spread a Christological vision of work, integrating it into the spiritual life without separating the secular from the sacred.
The Lamp That Never Goes Out: The Confession at Caesarea and the Transfiguration

At Caesarea, Peter did not understand that following Jesus entails self-giving and sacrifice. On Mount Tabor, however, he began to grasp that Christ’s glory passes through suffering and that the cross is not the end, but the passage to the resurrection.
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum” by Pope Francis
Letter from the Prelate regarding the Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”
Monsignor Fernando Ocariz, Prelate of Opus Dei, writes about Pope Francis' Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum” ("To safeguard the charism").
Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum”: Questions and Answers
We offer some questions and answers prepared by the Opus Dei Information Office regarding the Motu Proprio “Ad charisma tuendum.”
Letter from the Prelate (6 October 2022)
The Prelate of Opus Dei informs us that he will convoke an Extraordinary General Congress in the first half of 2023 in order to make the changes to the Statutes indicated in "Ad charisma tuendum."
Statutes of Opus Dei
The Statutes of Opus Dei were promulgated by Pope St John Paul II in 1982. Written in Latin, they define precisely the juridical configuration of the Prelature, its organization, and its aims.
Apostolic constitution "Ut sit"
The English translation of the apostolic constitution, Ut sit, by which Opus Dei was established as the Catholic Church's first personal prelature.