Pdf: Letter from the Prelate (7 January 2023)
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
The liturgical season of Christmas is ending. I suggest you ask our Lord that, as a result of contemplating the mystery of a Child who is God and who has been “born for us” (Is 9:5), our desire shown in deeds to live for others may, with his grace, grow stronger.
As you know, in this new year that is beginning, the extraordinary General Congress will take place to study – as the Pope has requested – opportune changes in the Statutes of the Prelature. I now inform you that it will take place during Easter week, from 12 to 16 April.
Naturally, these must be changes that do not affect anything essential to the Work, just as Saint Josemaría has transmitted it to us. Rather it is a question, as the Holy Father has indicated, of protecting, safeguarding, the charism (Ad charisma tuendum).
I asked all of you to send me any suggestions you considered appropriate regarding the Statutes, in light of what the Pope had indicated. Although (since it is a technical juridical document) many of you will not have sent suggestions, quite a few have arrived so far. I also receive every day (and we should give a lot of thanks to God for this) news of your desires to be faithful and to continue being very united in carrying out Opus Dei in these circumstances.
Now all these suggestions will be put in order, to prepare the material that will be presented for the study and approval of the Congress. Afterwards, the result will be sent to the Holy See.
I am counting on your prayers to complete this work in the best possible way.
I send you my most affectionate blessing for this new year.
Your Father,

Rome, 7 January 2023