My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
Two years have gone by since I asked you to pray for a project to better spur forward and coordinate the apostolic undertakings of the Prelature. During this time, I have kept you informed about the progress of this project. Now I would like to update you about the most recent developments.
In the last few months, three new regions have been established in Europe as a result of the territorial reorganization of this continent: North West Europe in April 2022 (comprising the former regions of Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia); Central Europe in December 2022 (from the former regions of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland); and the region of France and Belgium, on 14 February. In addition, after months of study, the forthcoming restructuring of some regions in Asia has already been announced to the circumscriptions concerned.
I continue to rely on your prayers for this project and for the preparations for the Extraordinary General Congress, which will take place very soon.
The Solemnity of St. Joseph is very near. Let us entrust all these intentions to his intercession before the Lord.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

Rome, 6 March 2023