Pdf: Letter from the Prelate (30 March 2023)
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
As you know, during Easter week the Extraordinary General Congress will take place to adapt the Statutes of the Prelature to the motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum. I am very grateful for your contribution during these past months, with your prayer for this work, and also with your preparation and sending of the many suggestions that have been received. I ask you to continue praying for the preparation and efforts of this General Congress, and for its outcome, which must help us to renew our desire to carry out Opus Dei, in the service of God and the Church throughout the world.
The suggestions have been studied in Rome, with the help of experts, both women and men, in order to present specific proposals at the Congress. Those that were not relevant to the request of the Holy See contained in the motu proprio can be considered, as I mentioned in my October message, during the next Work Weeks, when they are organized, and will help to prepare the next Ordinary General Congress in 2025. They are very valuable material, for which I again want to thank you.
During these days, the meetings of the congress women and men will be held in parallel and I will take part in both, together with the Vicars. They will take place in the Roman College of Holy Mary and the Roman College of the Holy Cross. Both will begin with Holy Mass. In successive sessions, the proposals that have been prepared will be studied and on the last day the final text will be voted on. We will finish with benediction with the Blessed Sacrament and the praying of the Te Deum.
Unlike other General Congresses, whether elective (where the Prelate is elected) or ordinary (where some apostolic priorities are set), in this case it won’t be possible to communicate immediately the final result, since it must be sent to the Dicastery for the Clergy to be studied by the Holy See, who is responsible for approving it.
All the General Congresses are very special moments of unity among the entire Work, and of the Work with the Holy Father and with the whole Church. During these weeks, we want our Father's aspiration to be especially present: Omnes cum Petro ad Iesum per Mariam.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

Rome, 30 March 2023