Pdf: Letter from the Prelate (12 August 2022)
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
As we do every year, on August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, we will renew the consecration of the Work to the Most Sweet Heart of Mary, which our Father made in Loreto in 1951.
Following Saint Josemaría’s example, let us keep very much alive our determination to care for the Work, in service of the Church and all mankind.
Therefore I invite you to renew your effective desires for holiness and apostolate, in response to God's grace. These desires are expressed in a daily, joyful and hope-filled fidelity, despite our personal limitations.
The Work is truly in the hands of each one of us. This is at the same time both a gift from God and our responsibility. As I told you several months ago, “with God’s grace we will be able to build, through changing historical times, the continuity of the Work in fidelity to its origin. This is the essential continuity between past, present and future that is proper to a living reality” (Pastoral Letter, 19 March 2022). Let us renew these resolutions to be faithful and have recourse to Mary’s motherly mediation.
Accompany me with your prayer on the trip I will be making to Jerusalem in a few days. And let us pray together for the intentions of the Holy Father, now especially for the upcoming consistory at the end of the month.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection,

Rome, 12 August 2022