* History of the judicial process (in Spanish)
* Reaction of the director of the School in the video that is on the Dosnon
website (in French)
This court decision reaffirms the complete exoneration of Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church to which Catherine Tissier had belonged until the year 2000. This exoneration of Opus Dei had already been established by the French courts in 2010, a fact that some media had ignored.
On December 16, 2010, after nine years of investigations – in which Opus Dei actively cooperated, responding to all requests – the French court dismissed all charges against Opus Dei.
Upon learning the latest news, Beatrice de La Coste, director of the Information Office of Opus Dei in France, said, "This ruling confirms the seriousness and diligence with which the Dosnon School followed the directives of French National Education.
"The Prelature of Opus Dei will continue to provide spiritual support through the chaplaincy at the school, thus contributing to the excellent work of human and professional education that takes place in Dosnon.
"For my part, now that this nightmare of ten years has ended, I wish to express my appreciation to the media in contact with me and with this office who have provided correct and balanced information.
"Also at this time I would ask for reflection about how others have covered this case, systematically ignoring one of the parties, propagating among the public false data, without leaving any opening for dialogue or the attempt to grasp the real facts of the situation.”