Number of articles: 4779

Highlights of the international Escrivá congress in Rome

Pictures and summaries from the Blessed Josemaría Escrivá centennial congress held in Rome from January 8 to 12, featuring the Pope, the Prelate, and others

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Web page for the memorabilia of St. Josemaría

The Italian company Formula srl that prepared the memorabilia for the canonization of St. Josemaría, has introduced some changes in their website ( and they are offering the possibility of purchasing these items on the web.

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Strathmore, pioneer of multi-racial education in Kenya

Strathmore College was started in 1961 under the guidance and encouragement of Saint Josemaría Escrivá. Once he got to know the educational problems facing Kenya at the time he was very keen that members of Opus Dei with their friends and colleagues, would do something to alleviate the situation.

Social initiatives

Canonization memorabilia

St. Josemaría canonization memorabilia is now available over the internet. Part of the proceeds from sales will be donated to Project Harambee 2002.

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New items on St. Josemaría website

Recent news, articles and testimonies at This site dedicated to St. Josemaría is available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

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The feminist mystique

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“The Pope has shown the evangelizing power of a mystic”

Cardinal Julián Herranz was one of 30 cardinals named in the October 21 consistory. The President of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts speaks in several interviews of his admiration for John Paul II and of his life in Opus Dei.

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In October the Year of the Rosary comes to a close

At a general audience before 16,000 people on October 29, John Paul II stated that "with the month of October, the Year of the Rosary comes to a close." His remarks follow.

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UNIV: 25 years with John Paul II

“Dear young people: today more than ever the world needs your cheerfulness and your service, your clean life and your work, your courage and your self-giving” (John Paul II). Excerpts from the Pope’s speeches to participants in the UNIV youth congresses since 1979.

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Teresa of Calcutta: A model of theological charity

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, beatified by John Paul II this past Sunday, searched for "union with Christ, who awaits his disciples, and consoles and blesses them in their poverty and charity." An article by the postulator of the cause of St. Josemaría Escrivá published by La Razón.

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