Number of articles: 4779

New canonization video

In commemoration of the anniversary of St. Josemaría Escrivá’s canonization, we are now offering a new video.

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Wholeheartedly united to the Pope

Pastoral letter of Bishop Javier Echevarría to the faithful and cooperators of the Prelature of Opus Dei on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Pope's election.

From the Prelate

Holy Rosary

One December morning in 1931, Fr. Josemaría dashed off this small book in one sitting, just after celebrating Mass. He poured into these pages an example of his way of meditating the mysteries of the life of Jesus and Mary, and of reciting the Rosary. Parting with his reader, he confides, “My friend: I have told you just part of my secret. It is up to you, with God’s help, to discover the rest. Take courage. Be faithful. Become little (...) If you say the Rosary in this way, you will learn to pray well.”


Accuracy of best-selling 'Da Vinci Code' comes under fire

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Argument masquerades as historical truth in 'The Da Vinci Code'

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Novel Gods: A pair of bestsellers roll their own religion.

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'Code' hot, critics hotter

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Prelate of Opus Dei describes family as the forge of vocations in the Church

Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained seven new priests, from five countries, in a ceremony at the sanctuary of Torreciudad, on Sunday, August 31.

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Argentina: development programs in Santo Tomé

For the past 16 years, a group of volunteers have been carrying out various programs of nutrition, hygiene and literacy in Santo Tomé, a city of 43,000 where 65% of the people are living under the poverty line.

Social initiatives

Pope initiates a spiritual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Pompei

“On October 7,” said John Paul II, “I count on going, please God, to the Shrine of Pompei. It will be a particularly significant moment in the Year of the Rosary, inaugurated last 16 October with the signing in St Peter's Square of my Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae.”

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