Number of articles: 4779

A priest and a father

An article by Bishop Javier Echevarría, published in L'Osservatore Romana on the day Bishop Alvaro del Portillo died.


Large families: lots of work and lots of fun

"Having a large family is certainly hard work, but it is immeasurably rewarding and can be lots of fun." John Perrotet, 46, works in the tourism sector in Sydney, Australia, where he lives with his wife Anne and their family.

Personal testimonies

Dora del Hoyo, first numerary assistant, dies

Dora del Hoyo was born in 1914 in Boca de Huergaro, Spain. She moved to Rome in 1946 to help in the household administration of the first center of Opus Dei in the Italian capital. She is buried in the Crypt of Our Lady of Peace, the church of the Prelature of Opus Dei, located also in Rome.


Holy humbug

Recent News

Theological issues raised in the Da Vinci Code

Although this book was published as a work of fiction, claims have been made that it is “meticulously researched” and useful as a tool for theological reflection. We wish to alert readers to the fact that it many of its claims about Christian history and theology are contrary to the conclusions of mainstream Christian scholarship.

Recent News

The Media and the Family: A Risk and a Richness

On the feast of St. Francis of Sales, patron of journalists, the Holy See published Pope John Paul II's message for the 38th World Communications Day. Excerpts follow.

Recent News

A São Paulo professional school helps women find work and serve their community

Veleiros is a women’s health care training school started by members and friends of Opus Dei in an impoverished São Paulo barrio.

Social initiatives

Harambee 2002: Phase Two

Harambee 2002, the solidarity project promoting educational initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa, starts its second phase with an Africa awareness campaign and a new round of fund-raising to finance more projects.

Social initiatives

Books about Opus Dei

Most of these books are available at Sinag-tala or Scepter Publishers (see links at the bottom of the page).

Opus Dei

Holy humorist

Much has been written, and is being written, about Saint Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. But there is a side to him that is rarely commented on, but was noticed by his contemporaries. It was his good humor.

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