Number of articles: 4779

Opus Dei has 34 new priests

Bishop Javier Echevarria, Prelate of Opus Dei, ordained 34 priests in the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome on May 27

Recent News

EWTN Programs for the Feast of Opus Dei’s Founder, Saint Josemaría

EWTN will broadcast television programs about Opus Dei and Saint Josemaría Escriva on five consecutive evenings beginning June 26, the feast of Saint Josemaría.

Recent News

Kimlea Medical Centre opens its doors

Although no advertising was done, word immediately went round among the tea and coffee pickers in the neighbourhood of Kimlea that the services offered in the Clinic are very good.


One book stood out, because it was the smallest. Tastefully designed, I placed my outstretched hand on my first copy of The Way. I was immediately transfixed by the simple “sermon-in-a-sentence”...

Solemn Masses in Honour of St Josemaria

Solemn Masses in honour of St Josemaría Escrivá will be celebrated in several cities in Asia in the coming month of June. St Josemaría was canonised by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on 6 October 2002. His feastday falls on 26 June, the date of his death.

11. How is Opus Dei financially supported?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. Duration: 0:54.

Opus Dei

4. What are the different ways of being a member of Opus Dei?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett (Duration: 4:03).

Opus Dei

3. How did St. Josemaria name Opus Dei?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. What is Opus Dei? (Duration: 1:33).

Opus Dei

12. How is penance and mortification practiced in Opus Dei?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. Duration: 2:15.

Opus Dei

6. What does Opus Dei provide for its members?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. What does Opus Dei provide for its members? (Duration: 3:17)

Opus Dei