Number of articles: 4779

"One can find God even on Wall Street."

The Prelate of Opus Dei is interviewed in the Italian periodical, Il Sole 24 Ore.

From the Prelate

Cooperation in Health Care: Austral University (Argentina)

The University Hospital has been promoting health care and medical research since it was established by Opus Dei in Buenos Aires six years ago. Its clinic is open to all, whether they have the means to pay or not.

Social initiatives

WMF 2006 : Prayer of the Family

Reaching out to "God's favorites"

The Family Cooperation Health Services Foundation has primary health-care programs in Las Piñas and Muntinlupa. The program includes classes for barangay health workers and mothers. The foundation holds medical-dental missions monthly.

Social initiatives

Homily of the Pope in the Mass closing the Fifth World Meeting of Families

The homily given by Benedict XVI on the 9th of July, 2006 during the Mass closing the Fifth World Meeting of Families that he celebrated at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain.

Recent News

Families, live and transmit the faith!

The Holy Father spoke in St. Peter’s Square about the Christian life of the family as he prepares for his apostolic trip to Valencia (Spain) for the 5th World Meeting of Families

Plenary Indulgence in the World Meeting of Families in Valencia, July 1 - 9

Benedict XVI concedes Plenary Indulgence to those faithful who participate in the World Meeting of Families in Valencia, and the Holy Father himself will attend the closing ceremony.

World Meeting of Families in Spain

Every three years, the Pope convenes this large gathering for the purpose of celebrating God's gift of the family. The current meeting, which Pope Benedict XVI expects to attend, is taking place between July 1 and 9 in Valencia.

Recent News

Our Family--Plus Four More

Rosa and Alberto already had twelve children when they decided to adopt four little girls from India. Along with her life as a mother, Rosa, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei, is an expert in child rearing, ran a music conservatory, and taught high school.

Personal testimonies

Two Favours of St Josemaria on June 26

On 26 June, we celebrate the feastday of St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, the Founder of Opus Dei. Since his death in 1975, many people have gone to his intercession and received favours of all sorts, from minute material concerns to deeper spiritual conversions. In commemoration of his feastday this June 26, we present 2 favours obtained through his intercession that took place precisely on this date.