Number of articles: 4779

10. What are some of the key works of Opus Dei? Duration: 3:10.

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. What are some of the key works of Opus Dei? (Duration: 3:10)

Opus Dei

7. What are the "norms" that Opus Dei members try to live?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. What are the "norms" that Opus Dei members try to live? (Duration:1:35)

Opus Dei

2. How is Opus Dei related to the Catholic Church?

Video interview with Fr. Michael Barrett. Duration: 4:15.

Opus Dei

VIDEO: Q & A about Opus Dei

Fr. Michael Barrett, a priest of Opus Dei, responds to some of the most common questions about Opus Dei. A transcription of this video interview can be found at the bottom of this page.

Opus Dei

Mass kits for priests celebrating St. Josemaria Escriva’s feast day on June 26

The Mass kit, designed to help priests and parishes organize special Masses to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, is distributed free of charge by the St. Josemaria Institute.

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Abusing my religion

An op-ed by the head of Opus Dei's women's programs in the U.S.

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"I am indebted to Dan Brown"

Andrea Ermini is 28 and works in Florence, in Italy. A year and a half ago he read the "Da Vinci Code" and was surprised by the picture it gives of Opus Dei. He made enquiries and... now has joined the institution. "Thanks to Dan Brown," he says, "I have rediscovered the beauty of the faith."

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Experts speak about the Da Vinci Code

We offer two videos in which experts in different areas speak about the Da Vinci Code.

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Video: Elizabeth Lev

Elizabeth Lev, an art historian, says that in her opinion the author of the Da Vinci Code knows neither Opus Dei nor any of its members.

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Video: Amy Welborn

In this video, Amy Welborn, author of the book "De-coding Da Vinci", explains Dan Brown's caricature of Opus Dei. She says: In reality it is an institution that offers spiritual formation to spread the Gospel.

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