Number of articles: 5

Youth Speaking Out: "The Church is ours"

Clemente, from Chile, speaks about ways young people can assist the Pope and the Church. Fifth video in the series.

Youth Speaking Out: "God called me among my friends"

Pali, a law student in Uruguay, speaks about how she "discerned" her own vocation in Opus Dei. Fourth video in the series "Youth Speaking Out."

Youth Speaking Out: "Where is God amid suffering?"

Carlos, who is studying economics in Valencia, speaks about coming to understand better the mystery of suffering through his friendship with Jorge Ribera, a 19 year old friend of his who is fighting a battle against leukemia.

Youth Speaking Out: "Do I speak with Jesus, or am I frightened of silence?"

Mariam is a young Kenyan woman who is studying engineering. She is convinced that we can listen to Christ who speaks to us in the ordinary experiences of our daily life.

Youth Speaking Out: "What do you seek?"

The Holy Father has said many times that he wants to listen to the voices of young people, and he invites them to speak without fear. "Youth Speaking Out" is a new video series, inspired by the upcoming Synod.