Number of articles: 5
"Seek the Truth in Charity"
The Holy Father continued his catechesis on the Acts of the Apostles, focusing this time on the passage: “God opened a door of faith to the Gentiles” (cf. Acts 14: 27).
Something Great That Is Love (VIII): Am I making the right decision?
"In the process of discerning our own vocation we are never alone, since every vocation is born and takes shape in the Church."
Topic 15: The Church and the State
The salvation achieved by Christ, and hence the mission of the Church, is directed to the human person in his or her integral being.
Topic 14: History of the Church
The Church continues to make Christ present in human history. In the history of the Church, we find the divine and the human closely intertwined.
Topic 12: I Believe in the Holy Spirit. I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church.
The Holy Spirit intimately unites the faithful to Christ so that they form a single body, the Church, with a diversity of members and functions.