Dani, Bolivia: "Who doesn't have demands in life?!"
Dani describes herself as a very competitive person who always aspired to more in life. She still sets high goals for herself, but now her perspective has changed: "Opus Dei has totally changed my life, because it's given me a different perspective on why we are here in the world."
Eva, Spain: "I discovered that my vocation is to turn houses into homes"
I am Eva Burniol, from the Horta neighbourhood in Barcelona, and I am an assistant numerary. I am 34 years old, and I love the mountains, going for runs... It helps me unwind, it relaxes me... I really enjoy nature... I like reading, writing, going out with friends... Everything related to fashion, I don’t know, keeping up with everything. I never seem to have enough time!
The Visitation of our Lady
On 31 May, the Church celebrates the feast of our Lady visiting her cousin Elizabeth. "Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb! And how have I deserved that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Lk 1:42)
Family and work balance
We have a human ideal that becomes divine. New horizons of hope open up in our life and we come to the point of sacrificing willingly.
Family and work: sharing tasks
The essential equality between men and women demands an understanding of the complementary roles which they play in the Church’s growth and in the progress of society.