Number of articles: 281

St. Josemaría: “We will fight all our lives to correct our flaws”

In this video, St. Josemaría encourages us to live for love every day: “Don’t be ashamed to be a poor, flawed vessel. We will fight all our lives to correct our flaws, right to the end... This is love.”

7 Young People Read “The Way” by St. Josemaría

We asked seven young people to read ‘The Way’ and to choose their favourite points. In this video, Veronica Maria, Michele, Angelica, Giulia, Angelina, Roberto, and Federico tell us why they chose the points they did.

Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph

A long-standing tradition in the Church is to prepare for the feast of Saint Joseph by dedicating the seven Sundays before 19 March to Saint Joseph, in memory of his seven sorrows and joys.

9 January: Livestream from the Prelatic Church

On 9 January, anniversary of St. Josemaria's birth, from 11:00 to 15:15 and 16:15 to 19:00 Rome time (UTC + 1), live images will be broadcast from the prelatic church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome, where his mortal remains repose.

“Show that you are a mother”

In May of 1970, St. Josemaría announced his desire to cross the Atlantic to prostrate himself at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast we celebrate on 12 December.

"In Loreto I am especially indebted to Our Lady"

10 December is the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, established by Pope Francis. Saint Josemaría considered himself especially indebted to Our Lady of Loreto for a very serious need that he placed under Our Lady's mantle on 15 August 1951.

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Nine days of special preparation for the great feast of our Lady's Immaculate Conception, with some resources for growing in love for Mary Immaculate.

2 October: Sanctity in Ordinary Life

In 1931, Saint Josemaria wrote down what had happened on the morning of October 2nd, 1928, feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, when he first "saw" Opus Dei.

Saint Pius X, Intercessor of Opus Dei

21 August is the feast of St. Pius X, the intercessor to whom St. Josemaria entrusted the Work's relation with the Holy See. In this excerpt, Miguel De Salis Amaral writes about St. Josemaria's lifelong devotion to this Pope.

Audio Drama Series: On St. Josemaria

This week The Merry Beggars (Relevant Radio) is releasing a 5-part audio drama series on the life of Saint Josemaria.
