Number of articles: 11

​What does it mean to be a saint? Who can become a saint?

We are all called to become saints. But what specifically does being a saint consist of? More importantly, how can we be holy? In this article we recall some ideas on holiness taken from a variety of sources.

Because of two friends

Alice Agusto (Hong Kong) is married and has four children. She describes how receiving classes of Christian formation regularly helps her to be a better and happier person: "I can share from experience that there is always something new to learn.I found it very good to keep reviewing, and it has served as good guidance in my life and in decision making."


Towards Holiness

Audio and pdf in English of the homily "Towards Holiness," given by Saint Josemaria on 26 November 1967. Published in "Friends of God."

St. Josemaria Taught Me How to Work with Love

On June 26th, 1975, Ana Lorente happened to be in Opus Dei's central headquarters and on that day, she took a series of final photos of St. Josemaria, for posterity's sake.


St. Josemaria helps me as a seminarian

I am a seminarian in third year theology, in the seventh year of priestly formation. The basic idea about the seminary revolves round prayer life, intense study and hard work. For a long time as a seminarian I used to wonder how to reconcile Prayer life (life of holiness) and intense study.


Marriage, a Christian vocation

Saint Josemaría teaches that marriage is a Christian vocation to which many people are called, as shown in the video series “Take a chance on happiness.”


St. Josemaría, Teacher of Forgiveness (Part 1)

This study published in no. 52 of of the journal ‘Romana’, it focuses on some aspects of St. Josemaría’s teachings on forgiveness and their relevance in fostering a peaceful co-existence. Because of its length, it will be published in two parts. The founder of Opus Dei invites us to rediscover forgiveness and to learn how to love: to love God and, through him, our neighbor, also when we are offended. The words and example of St. Josemaría help us to go deeper into the beauty of forgiveness and to lear


Mass at Site of Last Supper

On May 26, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the Upper Room, in Jerusalem. "How much charity has gone forth from here, like a river from its source: from the Heart of Christ, from the Eucharist and from the Holy Spirit."

A Life of Service

Dora del Hoyo, whose Cause for her Canonization was begun in 2012, always sought after happiness, the deepest happiness that one can find: the happiness of serving others: God, the Church, and all souls, in every moment. This documentary video offers a summary of her life, and personal testimonies from those who lived and worked with her.


What does it mean to pray?

Angela learned from St Josemaria that prayer is making friends with Christ, and that holiness is not a theoretical ideal but something to work towards every day.
