“Sanctifying one's work is no fantastic dream”

Sanctifying one's work is no fantastic dream, but the mission of every Christian - yours and mine. That is what that lathe-worker had discovered, when he said: "I am overwhelmed with happiness when I think how true it is that while I am working at the lathe and singing - singing all the time, on the outside and on the inside - I can become a saint. How good God is!" (Furrow, 517)

During the time that God has granted you in this world, make up your mind in earnest to do something worthwhile; time is pressing and the mission of men - and women - on earth is most noble, heroic and glorious when it enkindles shrunken and dried-up hearts with the fire of Christ. It is worthwhile taking peace and happiness to others through a strong and joyful crusade. (Furrow, 613)

You sometimes allow the bad side of your character to come out, and it has shown itself, on more than one occasion, in an absurd harshness. At other times, you do not bother to prepare your heart and your head so that they may be a worthy dwelling for the Most Holy Trinity. And you invariably end up by remaining rather distant from Jesus, whom you know so little. Going on like this, you will never have interior life. (Furrow, 651)

Personal sanctity is a remedy for everything. That is why the saints have been full of peace, of fortitude, of joy, of security. (Furrow, 653)

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