Many great things depend--don't forget it--on whether you and I live our lives as God wants. (The Way, 755)
We are blocks of stone that can move and feel, that have a perfectly free will. God himself is the stone-cutter who works on us, chipping off the rough edges, shaping us as he desires, with blows of the hammer and chisel. Don't let us try to draw aside, don't let us want to escape his will, for in any case we won't be able to avoid the blows. We will suffer all the more, and uselessly- and instead of polished stone, ready for the work of building, we will be a shapeless heap of gravel that people will trample contemptuously under foot. (The Way, 756)
Accepting the will of God wholeheartedly is a sure way of finding joy and peace: happiness in the Cross. Then we realize that Christ's yoke is sweet and that his burden is not heavy. (The Way, 758)
A thought which brings peace to the heart and which the holy Spirit suggests to those who seek the will of God: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. What can worry the soul that sincerely repeats these words?(The Way, 760)