Procedures Carefully Followed
The following statement was released concerning the beatification of Mons. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer
The story of a Peruvian girl and her miraculous cure
Hellen Katty Flores Gallo, an 11-year old girl, fell ill with a serious blood disease. After her mother prayed to Blessed Josemaria she experienced a sudden and complete cure.
Catholics should not fear spreading Christian message
The Catholic Weekly Australia July 2000
Pasig street named Escriva Drive
The Philippine Star Manila, The Philippines January 12, 2001
A Vein of Young Entrepreneurs
"Start Up Rome, Italy." An article by Luca Macario published in 2000 about Centro ELIS and the impact it is making on an impoverished district in Rome.
Canonization of Josephine Bakhita
On October 1st Pope John Paul II canonized Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese Canossian nun, in St. Peter's Square. The Madre Morenita (Little Brown Mother), as she was called, was beatified along with the founder of Opus Dei on May 17, 1992. Here is an article by the Prelate of Opus Dei on the occasion of this canonization. Posted 10/09/00.
Symposium on the Family: Houstonians come together to strengthen families
On Saturday, September 16, 2000, people from all parts of Houston gathered at Rice University to attend the Symposium on the Family: An Oasis of Love. The guest speakers were Bill and Leigh Bowman of Arlington, Massachusetts, who, in conjunction with other parents, founded Montrose School, now in its twentieth year in the Boston area.
24 Priests Ordained in Rome
Bishop Javier Echevarria ordained 24 priests, from 13 countries, on October 6 at the basilica of Saint Eugene in Rome. About 2,000 people, including family and friends of the new priests, attended the ceremony.
Guatemalan doctor on path to canonization
Ernesto Cofino, who died in 1991, was the father of five and a pioneer in pediatric research in Guatemala. He established the chair of pediatrics in the Department of Medicine of the University of San Carlos, from where he taught for 24 years.