Number of articles: 811

You Did It To Me

An article on the corporal works of mercy, written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church. "As Saint Josemaría wrote, 'the sick are He,' a daring expression that reflects our Lord’s demanding words: 'Truly I say to you ... you did it to me.'"

Fostering Interior Life

"God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good"

First of a two-part article on creation, in the series "The Light of Faith."

Fostering Interior Life

You Are the Light of the World

The first in a new series of articles on effective ways to share the "light of faith" with those around us, by speaking a language that people can understand today.

Fostering Interior Life

Christ Reveals the Father's Mercy

"Divine mercy, which God revealed throughout the history of the Chosen People, shines brightly in the Word Incarnate." An article on mercy in Sacred Scripture, for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church.

Fostering Interior Life

Ordinary Time: Sunday, the Lord's Day and Day of Joy

"The celebration of Sunday has a festive tone because Christ has conquered sin, and he wants to conquer sin in us."

Fostering Interior Life

"All generations shall call me blessed": Our Lady in the Liturgical Year

“In celebrating this annual cycle of Christ’s mysteries, holy Church honours with especial love the Blessed Mary, Mother of God, who is joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son."

Fostering Interior Life

Feasts of Our Lord during Ordinary Time (I)

The first of two articles focusing on the significance and history of four special feasts in the Church: Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, the Annunciation, the Most Blessed Trinity, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Fostering Interior Life

Feasts of Our Lord during Ordinary Time (II)

The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Transfiguration, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and Christ the King are the four feasts of our Lord contained in the second part of this article.

Fostering Interior Life

“The Adventure of Marriage”: Video-Series

In this series of six videos, Sole and Juampi, an Argentinian couple, share the story of their joys and sorrows, struggles and victories in their married life together. These six videos could serve as a resource for pre-marriage courses and for young couples.

Fostering Interior Life

God's Open Heart: Mercy and Apostolate

"We need to let God, who lives in us, love through the heart of each one of us: loving with God’s love." An article written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church.

Fostering Interior Life