Number of articles: 811

The Fundamental Right to Hope

Pope Francis said in his homily at the Easter Vigil: “Jesus’ hope is different. He plants in our hearts the conviction that God is able to make everything work unto good, because even from the grave he brings life.”

Fostering Interior Life

St. Raphael Meditation for the 2nd Sunday of Easter

During the coming weeks, we will publish, in audio format, some meditations preached by priests in Kenya to young people, which can help strengthen our life of prayer.

Fostering Interior Life

Stabat Mater Playlist: A "Soundtrack" for Holy Saturday

The hymn "Stabat Mater" describing Mary's sorrow at the foot of the Cross has been set to music countless times by composers over the centuries. Their renditions of this moving song can help you to accompany Our Lady on this Holy Saturday.

Fostering Interior Life

Under the Fig Tree: Accompanying Our Loved Ones

Just as Jesus accompanied Nathaniel from afar, under the fig tree, we too can accompany our loved ones if we are united to Christ.

Fostering Interior Life

Make a Virtual Visit to 7 Churches #StayHome

Many Catholics around the world visit seven churches after Mass on Holy Thursday. This year we have a unique opportunity to travel much farther virtually, accompanying Jesus through spiritual visits to churches around the world.

Fostering Interior Life

April Recollection Kit (2020)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer in which we can look at our lives in the presence of God. As we live Holy Week against the backdrop of a global plague, this guide for a "recollection-at-home" will help you spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where you are.

Fostering Interior Life

The Communion of Saints: More United Than Ever

Praying for and accompanying loved ones and all those in need now, offering sacrifices for them. This is a splendid program for our spiritual life during these challenging days of confinement.

Fostering Interior Life

Holy Week: "He Loved Them to the End"

"At the heart of the Liturgical year lies the Paschal Mystery, the Triduum of our Lord’s Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection. The whole history of salvation revolves around these holy days."

Fostering Interior Life

Prayer Booklet to Accompany the Sick

This free booklet provides helpful reading and prayers for family and caregivers of those who are dying or gravely ill. Quotes from the saints - especially St. Josemaria - can help the person to prepare well for their encounter with the Lord.

Fostering Interior Life

A God Who Lets Things Happen? The Mystery of Evil and Suffering

Why does God allow evil? What is the meaning of suffering? Although these are mysteries we will never fully comprehend, the light of faith enables us to grasp at least part of their meaning.

Fostering Interior Life