Number of articles: 1008

Educating in Modesty (1)

Modesty defends the intimacy of a man or a woman, their most precious core, so as to be able to reveal it in the appropriate measure and in the right moment.

Fostering Interior Life

Good Manners

Polite manners provide something essential for living in society, teaching us to be human and civil with others. Courtesy and politeness are "little sisters" of other and greater virtues

Fostering Interior Life

Priestly Soul – Soul of Christ

All men and women should have a priestly soul, and are called to share intimately in the sentiments of Christ's Heart. This teaching of Saint Josemaria is explained in this article.

Get to Know Christ

Devotion to Our Lady

This article explains the veneration given by Catholics to the Mother of God, which started in the Church in ancient times and continues to be felt vividly today. It also tells how this veneration is practised in Opus Dei.

Fostering Interior Life

Examples of Faith (II): Moses' Vocation and Mission

The second article in a series on figures from Sacred Scripture who offer us an example of deep faith in God and his providence.

Fostering Interior Life

Parental Authority

A new article in the series on family education offers some ideas on how to help children manage their freedom.

Fostering Interior Life

Unity of Life in Professional Work

“Any honorable work can be prayer and all prayerful work is apostolate. In this way the soul develops a unity of life, which is both simple and strong." A new article in the series on sanctifying work.

Fostering Interior Life

Temperance and Self-mastery (II)

"Those who are masters of themselves have marvelous possibilities to dedicate themselves to the service of God and neighbor, and thus attain the greatest happiness and peace possible here on earth."

Fostering Interior Life

Educating in Modesty (2)

"Parents need to communicate the value of the human body, and how to treat it with respect, avoiding anything that could contribute to viewing it as merely an object of pleasure or curiosity." A new article in the series on the family.

Fostering Interior Life

Learning to be Faithful

Being faithful to a person, a love, a vocation is a path that requires both human loyalty and reliance on God's grace.

Fostering Interior Life