Number of articles: 1007

Imitating Christ: The Meaning of Christian Sacrifice

Javier Sesé holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the University of Navarre.

Fostering Interior Life

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit? What was the descent of the Holy Spirit like? How does He act in the lives of Christians? What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Get to Know Christ

Matrimonial Love

A new article in the series on married love. "The effort to love is the effort to give ourselves more to the other person each day. Since true love implies dying to our own self-interest, it doesn’t come easily."

Fostering Interior Life

Building Interior Order

A new article in the series on developing a strong Christian personality. "One of the traits of a mature personality is the ability to combine intense activity with order and interior peace. Achieving this equilibrium requires real effort."

Fostering Interior Life

Keep the Fire Burning

A new article in the series on married love. "Marriage requires effort! It is a constant beginning again and again. Do not take love for granted. Make a joyful gift of yourself to your spouse."

Fostering Interior Life

Sharing Others' Feelings

Empathy, the ability to share in other people's feelings, is very important for learning to love as Christ did. A new article in the series on forging a Christian personality.

Fostering Interior Life

Courtship Makes Sense

A new article in the series on the meaning of human love. "Learning to communicate joys, gratitude, and even (or especially) learning to constructively put across feelings of anger and hurt make courtship happy and fruitful and will stand a future marriage in good stead."

Fostering Interior Life

Engagement: Looking Forward to Marriage

First in a new series of articles on the meaning of human love. "Being engaged was certainly not what I expected. It’s a time of learning to love selflessly, to put love into the details, and to put the other person first."

Fostering Interior Life

Lent: Pathway to Easter

"During Lent the Church again reminds us of the need to renew our heart and our deeds so that we can rediscover the centrality of the Paschal Mystery, a returning to eternal Love." An article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

Character Built on Virtue

A new article in the series on forging a strong Christian personality. "Virtues reinforce our personality, rendering it stable and even-tempered. They enable us to rise above ourselves."

Fostering Interior Life