Earthquake in Chile: A Time for Charity

The Prelate of Opus Dei sent a letter to members and cooperators of the Work in Chile as soon as he learned about the earthquake.

Bishop Echevarría has called for generous suffrages for those who lost their lives in the tragic quake and tsunami that affected many areas of Chile. As soon as he learned of it, the Prelate sent a letter to the faithful and cooperators of the Work in that country, assuring them, “I also pray, and ask everyone to pray with me, for the people who have been injured and have suffered material losses. Let us implore God that those who are suffering not lose hope.”

In particular, he invited the faithful and cooperators of Opus Dei in Chile to place themselves at the service of their fellow citizens with their work, Christian concern, and prayer, whenever possible “joining in the relief effort” promoted by the government, the Church, and social agencies. In this situation of extreme need, the Prelate especially encouraged “young people to get behind whatever measures the country’s authorities are taking.”

“I ask our Lord to sustain everyone, including the relief workers. Let us see this as a marvelous opportunity to fulfill the mandate of charity that Jesus preached. We must always practice an ardent charity among those close to us, truly loving everyone.”