Number of articles: 4655

Irish Archbishop: Escriva a Source of Inspiration for the Modern World

"Opus Dei marked a decisive intervention by God in the life and the work of many individuals and of the Church at large." An article in memory of Blessed Josemaria by the Archbishop of Tuam, recently published in the Irish Catholic.

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Josemaria Escriva's books now available on the Internet

A new website offers the writings of Opus Dei's founder in English, French, Italian and Spanish, with a text search feature.

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Religious Communities Share Joy in Canonization Announcement

Article by Msgr. Flavio Capucci, Rome

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Book Review: "Uniting Heaven and Earth": a Japanese biography of Blessed Josemaria

Seido Publishers has just published Ten to chi wo Tsunagu ("Uniting Heaven and Earth"), a biographical sketch of the founder of Opus Dei by Toshimi Nakai.

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From Chicago to Kaunas, bishops commend Opus Dei's founder

Bishops around the world have recently celebrated masses commemorating the centennial of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá's birth. Here's what some of them had to say about Opus Dei's founder.

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Blessed Josemaría's contribution to the Church and the world

"Through Opus Dei’s founder the church has been given a lasting, energetic message. As the Pope said, this message is 'destined to last in unchanging fashion, regardless of historical vicissitudes, as an inexhaustible source of spiritual light.'"

From the Prelate

Canonization dates to be announced Feb. 26

Holy See convokes consistory of cardinals to announce canonization of Blessed Josemaria and eight others.

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Miracle attributed to Blessed Josemaria is approved

Pope John Paul II approved a decree on a miracle of Blessed Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. The Pope also approved, among others, miracles attributed to Padre Pio and Blessed Juan Diego.

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Princess Anne visits Baytree

Princess Anne visits Baytree, a London centre for the advancement of women inspired by the teachings of Blessed Josemaria Escriva. Baytree is in Lambeth, one of the poorer regions of London.

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New Opus Dei centers opened in Hong Kong and 17 other cities in 2001

Kam Him Centre, located on the Kowloon peninsula, is one of 18 new Opus Dei centers which began activities in the year 2001.

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