Number of articles: 4662

Appointment of Fr Richard Umbers as an Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney

Pope Francis has appointed two new Auxiliary Bishops for the Archdiocese of Sydney: Monsignor Anthony Randazzo and Fr Richard Umbers, priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei.


Reflecting on "Laudato si" in Shrine of Torreciudad

At an international seminar held in the shrine of Torreciudad, scientists and religious leaders from 15 countries and 8 religious faiths have discussed the role that science and religion can play in caring for the environment.

Recent News

"Sunrise in Kibera" Mentoring Disadvantaged Youth in Kenya

Macheo ("sunrise" in Swahili) is an after-school support program for students from one of Africa's largest slums, Kibera, in Nairobi, Kenya. It is organized and staffed by students and teachers from Strathmore University, a corporate work of Opus Dei.

Social initiatives

The Scanner

I want to share a favor I received through Dora del Hoyo: I needed to send some documents that I first needed to scan, and I could not get the scanner to work properly. I remembered that Dora had done me a favor once...


Up-close View of University of Navarra

Intrigued by "The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College" recommendation of this university for Americans, journalist Adam Wilson recently visited it and gives his impressions.

Recent News

Just Start (4): Learn to Forgive

In this new video in the series on the works of mercy, various people talk about their struggle to forgive others, and the peace that doing so brings into their life.

Social initiatives

“Seeking God Through Ordinary Work” ​​

For the feast day of Saint Josemaria on June 26, we offer an article by Cardinal Albino Luciani (later Pope John Paul I), published in "Il Gazzettino" (Venice), July 25, 1978, one month before he was elected Pope.


"Charity is contagious" Netherhall Residents Assist Refugees in France

In response to Pope Francis’ call for practical acts of charity during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, groups of students from Netherhall House, an intercollegiate residence hall in London, have been making trips to Calais to help the refugees stranded there.

Social initiatives

Creating Bright and Cheerful Homes

"Creating a loving home in which our children’s characters, hearts and minds can be nurtured and developed is a battle worth fighting." A new article in the series on married love.

Fostering Interior Life

Nuts and Bolts

I was cleaning the drain of a sink, and I was trying to tighten a bolt that would not fit back into place. I tried several times and nothing worked. But all that changed as soon as I said "DORA, NOW!"
