Number of articles: 4673

"There's so much more to parenting..."

In this 5-minute video, couples from all over the world share their experiences after attending the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD) Congress in Mexico.

Recent News

"No one is born a saint, but Dora struggled to be one."

"What I like about Dora is the way that she loved others," says Lucka from the Czech Republic. Lucka is 15 years old and got to know Dora by reading her biography, ‘A Lighted Lamp’. "Of course, no one is born a saint, but Dora struggled to be one. In her presence, everyone felt loved and at the same time, she loved each person in a special way, without having preferences. I think that if we were more like her, we would make life more pleasant for others."


Changing Our Floors

​Some time ago, we decided to change part of the floor of the house. When the workers went to collect the new wood we had chosen, they found that the batch that was available had already been sold.


The Prelate, in Estonia and Finland

Bishop Javier Echevarría has made a brief pastoral visit to Estonia and Finland, where he encouraged people to carry out an "intense apostolate of evangelization."

From the Prelate

Encounter with Jesus

"Jesus has remained in the Eucharist to remedy our weaknesses, our doubts, our fears. Above all, he is there to teach us to love, to draw us to his Love." A new article on Christian life.

Get to Know Christ

"Treat him well for me"

On 16 October, Pope Francis canonized 7 new saints, including Bishop Manuel Gonzales, a good friend of Saint Josemaria, whose love for the Eucharist inspired point 531 in "The Way."

From the Church and the Pope

Opus Dei, Personal Prelature

From a legal standpoint, Opus Dei is a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. Prelatures are entrusted with undertaking certain pastoral activities.

Personal prelature

Just Start (8): "Be with them to the end"

People from Russia, Brazil and Colombia speak about their efforts to assist the dying. A new video in the series on the works of mercy.

Social initiatives

Saving the Unborn

Domtila, a supernumerary member of the Prelature with 6 children, has spent the past 25 years running a crisis pregnancy center in Nairobi, Kenya that has saved the lives of many babies.

Social initiatives

"Pray the Rosary as often as possible"

On October 8, addressing a worldwide Marian pilgrimage to Rome, Pope Francis stressed the importance of praying the Rosary, "a summary of the history of God's mercy."

From the Church and the Pope