Number of articles: 12

25 Years in Uganda: "I came to cast fire"

Some words written down on a piece of paper by Don Alvaro del Portillo for the late Edith Katama, who helped begin Opus Dei's apostolic work in Uganda.

Recent News

First Women Scientists Receive Guadalupe Scholarships

The first women scientists from Africa who carried out research thanks to the Guadalupe Scholarship Program sponsored by Harambee were Dalene Kembabazi from Uganda and Celine Tendobi from D.R.Congo.

Recent News

An Opportunity for Families

Jack and his family live in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. He gives some tips on how they have been coping with the lockdown, which has been a great opportunity to grow as a family

Ugandan Doctor Wins 2020 Harambee Prize

A graduate of Makerere University in Uganda, Dr. Irene Kyamummi has worked for over ten years to provide health care for children in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

Summary of the Prelate's Pastoral Visit to East Africa

A 9-minute summary of Mons. Fernando Ocáriz pastoral trip to Kenya and Uganda from the 14th to 22nd December, 2019.

From the Prelate

Look at the Child Jesus at the Nativity Scene

The Prelate of Opus Dei had a get-together with his daughters on Sunday morning, thereafter he met the Archbishop of Kampala His Grace Cyprian Kizito Lwanga.

From the Prelate

Pray for the Pope and the Church

The Father had a pretty intense schedule these last eight days. He spent most of his time with his children, their families and their friends who receive means of formation in centres of Opus Dei.

From the Prelate

The Father's meeting young ladies in Entebbe

On Saturday, the Prelate had a get-together with young ladies at Pearlcrest Hospitality Training Institute, Entebbe.

From the Prelate

"Let us be witnesses to Christ's love in ordinary life"

Monsignor Ocáriz sends Christmas greetings to everyone from the Basilica of the Uganda Martyrs, reminding us that we can give witness to the Christian life in our families, as we contemplate the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem.

The Father arrives in Uganda

Opus Dei began in Uganda in 1996. In 2006 Don Javier (the second successor of St. Josemaria) visited the "Pearl of Africa". On Friday 20th December 2019, at 12.45 pm the Father (Monsignor Fernando Ocariz) landed on the same rich soil, the land of the martyrs.