Number of articles: 103

Prelate: "Guadalupe was happy because she let Jesus guide her"

The Prelate of Opus Dei celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in Rome for the Beatification of the Spanish chemist, Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri (1916-1975): "These days have reminded us once again that holiness, which God's love calls us to, is a real possibility for all men and women."


Painting Blessed Guadalupe's Portrait

Ignacio Valdés, the artist who painted the portrait of Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz for the Royal Oratory of Caballero de Gracia in Madrid, talks about the challenges he faced in doing this painting.


Pope at Regina Coeli Asks Crowd to Applaud Guadalupe

Today in Rome, Pope Francis asked for applause for the new Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz during the recitation of the Regina Coeli. Meanwhile, at the Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated in Madrid, the prelate of Opus Dei, Fernando Ocáriz, recalled that each saint is "a work of God."


Summary Video: Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Guadalupe

14-min summary video of the Holy Mass celebrated by the prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, in Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, a laywoman, in Madrid.


Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Mass of Thanksgiving for Guadalupe's Beatification

Homily of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, (Madrid, 19 May 2019. Fifth Sunday of Easter)

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

Blessed Guadalupe

Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri (1916-1975), the Spanish chemist who brought the message of Opus Dei to Mexico, has been beatified in Madrid. In a letter, Pope Francis wrote that she was an example of holiness in "normality”


Cardinal Becciu's Homily at the Beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri

Text of the homily of Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu at the beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri.

Other resources

Pope Francis’ Letter for the Beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri

Pope Francis’ letter to Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei, on the occasion of the beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri.

Other resources

20 Minute Video with Highlights of Guadalupe's Beatification


A Portrait of Ordinary Life

In a review of “Emma” written in 1816, Walter Scott, the novelist, says the characters and incidents are neither grand nor elegant but drawn from ordinary life, “…finished up to nature, and with a precision which delights the reader.” So was the life of Blessed Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri, ordinary yet heroic and a delight to this reader. Article By Tayo Fagbule On May 17, 2019 in BusinessDay.

Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri