Number of articles: 832

Embracing the cross of cancer: Jessica van Leeuwen

The story of Jessica, dairy farmer and mother of 6, and her battle with brain cancer

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Photo Gallery of Masses of St Josemaría in Nigeria (2024)

This year more than four hundred Masses in honour of St Josemaría were celebrated in all the dioceses of Nigeria. We are showing some of the pictures taken at the Masses.

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Daily Meditations Pause

Daily meditations are texts meant to feed our mental prayer, inviting us to stop and converse with God each day of the liturgical year.

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Youth: A Space for Young People on the Opus Dei Website

Opus Dei Youth is now live on with new content for young people who want to impact society and grow closer to God.

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Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

On the first Sunday after Pentecost, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Some resources for growing in devotion to the Trinity.

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29 New Priests Ordained: "If we are humble, we will bear fruit"

On 25 May, twenty-nine faithful of Opus Dei received priestly ordination from Bishop Paul Toshihiro Sakai, auxiliary bishop of Osaka-Takamatsu (Japan). The ceremony took place in the Basilica of Saint Eugene (Rome).

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General Archive of the Prelature of Opus Dei

The Archive of Opus Dei was first set up between 1953 and 1956. In 2010 the documentation was catalogued. In December 2017 it was officially erected. It is currently in an advanced stage of organisation and classification, and is scheduled to open to the public between 2028 and 2030.

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St Josemaría Newsletter 28: Sowers of peace and joy

17 May 2024 is the anniversary of the Beatification of Josemaría Escrivá (1992)

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Jesus’ example in honouring mothers

The 12th of this month, the second Sunday of May, we'll be celebrating mothers on that annual celebration of Mothers' Day. Let’s look at the way Jesus praised his mother.

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Our need for purity to connect with the Paraclete

Many years ago, I heard someone pray this prayer: “O Jesus, remove the unclean scab of sensual corruption that covers my heart, so that I can feel and readily follow the breath of the Paraclete in my soul.” These words can help us understand how God wants us to celebrate the feast of Pentecost that this year falls on Sunday 19th May.

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