Number of articles: 423

Bisi Falodun (II): Meeting Opus Dei

Bisi recounts her initial encounter with Opus Dei at the old Wavecrest Secretariat College in Lagos, Nigeria. Bisi was glad to have met Opus Dei through her relatives who lived close by the Centre. Usually, on entering the serene and cheerful environment of the centres of Opus Dei, some people exclaim, "Wow! You mean this kind of place exists here?" This initial excitement was lost to twelve-year-old Bisi. However, years later, she narrates the soothing feeling she experienced at her visit to the Centre.

Personal testimonies

Pedro Ballester, a friend of his friends

Pedro Ballester died in 2018 in Manchester, at the age of 21, from bone cancer. He had an ordinary life, which left an extraordinary mark. We have interviewed Fr George Boronat, author of Pedro’s biography, to describe the life of this English boy, “who had a genuine love for people and that is why he attracted them.”

Personal testimonies

Bisi Falodun: Encounter with the Catholic Faith

Bisi Falodun was the first numerary member of Opus Dei in Nigeria. She died on 23rd February 2018. In this video she recounts how she left her Anglican background for the Catholic Church. She said, "If the Catholic Church was the first Church as stated in history books, I want to belong to the first Church."

Personal testimonies

Meeting Opus Dei: Finding Life Balance

Here Nic Sulsky, an expert in communications, highlights some aspects of St. Josemaria's message.

Personal testimonies

Finding Meaning in Grief

This is the second of a series of interviews commemorating the 75th anniversary of Opus Dei coming to Ireland. In this episode, Gobnait O'Grady discusses the impact of grief in our lives and the lives of others, and how to help those who need our accompaniment and care during this difficult time in their lives.

Personal testimonies

The Great Discovery

Ulf and Brigitta Ekman talk about their long path to the Catholic Church in this conference during the IX Symposium of St. Josemaría - Faith and Society in Jaén, Spain in November 2018. When John Paul II visited Sweden in 1989, Ulf Ekman was a Lutheran pastor praying for God to protect his country from Catholicism. He joined the Catholic Church in 2014 and, when Pope Francis visited his country (in 2016) he prayed for the trip to contribute to interfaith dialogue, in humility and charity.

Personal testimonies

"We are all God's children"

"Do you realize that you're like Jesus? More like him than other children: you have an adoptive father too," Mar and Andrés tell their adopted children. Their explanation of how God changed their plans to form their family is both natural and supernatural.

Personal testimonies

An Artist's Journey

On the anniversary of St. Josemaría’s birthday (9 January 1902) Ina Reyes-de Vera reflects on how ordinary material things and everyday life as a mother can be turned into works of art.

Personal testimonies

Seven Stories about Faith and Family

A compilation of first-person accounts of the adventure of family life, for the feast of the Holy Family on 30 December.

Personal testimonies

Busy week in Dar es Salaam

On Thursday the 8th of December we were supposed to start the supernumerary’s annual seminar at Mbagala Spiritual Center, in Dar es Salam but difficulties with the visa for Fr. Joe and Luis meant we started a day late. It is the second such seminar to take place in Tanzania and it was exciting to see what would change from last year.

Personal testimonies