Number of articles: 422

Unlikely Friends: Léa and Marie-Maude

“I’ll never forget the first time I got in her car.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

“God gave me the undeserved gift of conversion.”

A young mother traces her journey from “atheism” to being a “newborn” Catholic in The Holy Land.

Personal testimonies

Unlikely Friends: Keagan and Trevor

“We’ve created a judgment-free (or ‘lighthearted judgment only’) environment in our friendship.” In this series of interviews, pairs of friends from different parts of the world talk about how they met, what they value about each other, and how they navigate their differences.

Personal testimonies

Teacher of Cheerfulness

Interview with Fr Jose Luis Soria about St Josemaría.

Personal testimonies

Work and Fatherhood: "God is there with me"

This is the third of a series of interviews commemorating the 75th anniversary of Opus Dei coming to Ireland. In this episode, Dr. John Kehoe explains how his medical work, marriage, and fatherhood were enriched when he met Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

"You can still find a village in the city"

Julie received difficult news after the delivery of her sixth child: due to an infection from the epidural needle, her body was partially paralyzed. When her friends learned of her situation, they started planning how to support the family over the next several months. Julie narrates her own story.

Personal testimonies

The More I Learnt, The More I Wanted to Know

Gisèle: Opus Dei cooperator. Nothing magical. By rubbing shoulders with a friend and getting involved in L'Essor club in Montreal, the atmosphere and values caught on.

Personal testimonies

"The more I learned, the more I wanted to know"

Gisèle, a cooperator of Opus Dei in Canada, talks about her first impressions of Opus Dei and how her neighbour, a practicing Catholic who introduced her to the Work, changed her perception of the Church.

Personal testimonies

Bisi Falodun (III): Vocation to Opus Dei

Bisi said, "In my house there was a picture of the Sacred Heart, I went in front of the picture and wept throughout the night, and the next day, I went ahead to join Opus Dei." The gentle whisper of God's call rang clearly in Bisi's heart. She heard it and did not feel capable of answering. And then, just as Eli helped Samuel to recognize God's voice, Bisi was assisted in freedom to listen and follow the Lord's call.

Personal testimonies

Bisi Falodun (II): Meeting Opus Dei

Bisi recounts her initial encounter with Opus Dei at the old Wavecrest Secretariat College in Lagos, Nigeria. Bisi was glad to have met Opus Dei through her relatives who lived close by the Centre. Usually, on entering the serene and cheerful environment of the centres of Opus Dei, some people exclaim, "Wow! You mean this kind of place exists here?" This initial excitement was lost to twelve-year-old Bisi. However, years later, she narrates the soothing feeling she experienced at her visit to the Centre.

Personal testimonies