A friend close to God

Two persons who have been helped by St. Josemaría from heaven. St. Josemaría intercedes before God for anyone who asks him for help in their family, professional, apostolic or personal needs.

Sol María Nava (Venezuela): When I was three months pregnant, I had a very serious hemorrage. I went to see the doctor, and I was very anxious. When the doctor saw how anxious I was, he asked me if I was a Catholic.  I said I was, and then he gave me a card with the prayer for asking the help of the Founder of Opus Dei. He suggested that I pray it with faith. I did so every night with so much faith that one month later the hemorrage has disappeared. May 11, 2007.

J. R. (Germany): I am a pilot with a German airline. When my residence was set for Frankfurt, I asked for a change to Dusseldorf, because I had found a house there for my family: my wife and the son we were expecting. Everything seemed to be going well, and we had actually moved into the new house when suddenly, because of a personnel shortage, they denied the change in residence. I spoke first with one and then with another director, but no one seemed to understand the situation or take any interest in my problems. Not even the union would help me. The only solution left to me was to go to St. Josemaria and entrust him with the problem. And suddenly everyone made a big effort and they found a solution so that we could move as we had planned. April 10, 2007.