Number of articles: 4997

"Recover sense of the sacred at Mass"

In his February 10 morning Mass, Pope Francis urged those present to realize that at Mass they enter into "the mystery of God . . . It is to really live once more the Passion and the redeeming Death of the Lord. It is a theophany."

From the Church and the Pope

Work is a way to holiness

Bishop Alvaro del Portillo explains how work helps us to be Christians at all times, not just on the weekends.


Letter from the Prelate (February 2014)

The Prelate points to Don Alvaro's love for the Holy Cross, in the context of a new anniversary of the 14th of February.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

"Saxum": Remembering Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

A 30 min. documentary on the life of Alvaro del Portillo, whom Saint Josemaria called "Saxum," Rock, because of his great faithfulness.

Álvaro del Portillo

"We should ask Alvaro del Portillo to make us humble"

In this Rome Reports video, Bishop Javier Echevarría speaks about working alongside Alvaro del Portillo for over 40 years, and the virtues we can learn from his life of self-giving.


"A message for today's world"

Enrique, an interior architect in Chile, met the founder of Opus Dei in 1974. He speaks about love for freedom in the Work and how its message is very relevant for today's world.

Personal testimonies

"The family is Africa's greatest treasure"

Dr. Celine Tendobi recounts her experience as head of the maternity department at Monkole Medical Center in Kinshasha, Congo, and Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo's enouragement to begin Monkole. An article published in "Vida Nueva."

Social initiatives

"A big favor from St. Josemaria"

The Punlaan School in Manila seeks to provide young women coming from low income groups with employment skills and Christian values that contribute to their economic, human and spiritual advancement.

Personal testimonies

"Dora could create a family atmosphere"

Paula Assen, from Australia, speaks about working alongside Dora del Hoyo and the example she gave of love for God and service to those around her in domestic tasks. "She had a lot of faith in the words of St. Josemaria that we have to create homes in a society that's so much against it. And we have to create a family atmosphere... because a lot of people are deprived of that these days."


From Helsinki to Rome

Anna Riina, a 25 year old Finnish girl, converted to Catholicism three and a half years ago. Now she is studying theology at the University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

Personal testimonies