Number of articles: 2166

A Light for Thousands of Children

We share some reflections from Fr. Carlos Núñez, Vicar of the Delegation of Monterrey, Mexico, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Ciudad de los Niños (City of the Children), a social initiative that, with its work of education and formation, has helped many families with limited financial means find happiness.

Social initiatives

Meeting Love made Man

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei coming to Britain we are posting a number of videos telling stories of lives changed by faith. "Meeting Love made Man” is the story of Julia, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei who lives in London.

Personal testimonies

Inspiring Examples of Sanctity in Marriage

Next Thursday, 26 May 2022, the 2nd day of reflection on lay holiness will be held in Rome. Entitled "Sanctity, Marriage, Family," it will take place just one month before the end of the “Amoris Laetitia” Year of the Family. The Prelate of Opus Dei will give the closing address.

Recent News

Ordinations in Rome: “Help many people to know the life of Jesus”

Bishop Ricardo García, the consecrating bishop, told the twenty-four new priests of Opus Dei that “your lives, starting today, will be marked by the ministry of the sacraments, the ministry of the word and the ministry of charity.”

Recent News

To Poland and Back

A sudden inspiration led Thais and Sonsoles on an adventure that took them to Poland and back to rescue refugees from Ukraine.

Recent News

"The mystery of God’s tenderness hidden behind his silence"

In his 18 May general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the Book of Job.

From the Church and the Pope

"This is how I would like all our grandmothers to be"

In his 11 May general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the Old Testament heroine Judith.

From the Church and the Pope

God's Blessings on My Family

From Macau, Betty Lee talks about getting to know Opus Dei and how the formation she receives has brought her and her family closer to God.

Personal testimonies

"Vocation, like holiness, is not reserved for a few"

Message of Pope Francis for the 2022 World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday 8 May.

From the Church and the Pope

Time for God and My Whole Family

Pedro, who lost his mother when he was five, studied architecture at the university. Now married and with 8 children, he talks about how he came to realize the need to put God first in his life, along with his whole family.

Personal testimonies