Number of articles: 2166

Opus Dei: A History (Volume One)

Volume One of the first in-depth history of Opus Dei, written by José Luis González Gullón and John F. Coverdale, is now available in English from Scepter Publishers.

Recent News

"The tenderness of the elderly can give love freely"

In his 8 June general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the special tenderness they can show in their love.

From the Church and the Pope

Mary, Mother of the Church

The Monday after Pentecost is now the feast of the memorial of Mary, "Mater Ecclesiae." Some texts from Pope Francis and Saint Josemaria to help us appreciate this liturgical feast.

From the Church and the Pope

Africa Day 2022: "The African renaissance is a reality"

On 25 May, a meeting entitled “African Renaissance: Fact or Fiction?” was held in Rome, organized by Harambee Africa International and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on the occasion of Africa Day 2022.

Recent News

"Forsake me not when my strength is spent"

In his 1 June general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on old age, speaking about the example of prayer and faith given by the elderly.

From the Church and the Pope

A Worldwide Conversation on Affectivity and Sexuality

From 4-5 June 2022, an online conference will take place organized by the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development) with the title “Love Talks.”

Recent News

From Scientist to Priest

Lorenzo De Vittori is one of the 24 priests ordained in Rome on May 21, 2022. In this video, he speaks about his scientific work and path to the priesthood.

Recent News

“I discovered God little by little, through the affection of my friends”

When Fiona was born, her parents decided not to baptize her so that, when she was older, she should decide for herself. It was thanks to the example her friends that this came about.

Personal testimonies

Worldwide Rosary for Peace

On Tuesday, 31 May, at 6pm (Rome time), the Pope will pray the Rosary before the statue of Mary Regina Pacis in Rome's Marian Basilica, for peace in Ukraine.

From the Church and the Pope

"The God Who Provides": A Fruitful Retirement

On retiring, Joy and Tony Tañada found in farming, farm management, and rural living a world of beauty, simplicity, and productivity.

Social initiatives