Number of articles: 2166

"The elderly Naomi reopens the future for Ruth"

In his 27 April general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the "alliance between the generations."

From the Church and the Pope

Honouring Old Age

In his 20 April general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the honour that they merit.

From the Church and the Pope

Five Children on Earth and Two in Heaven

Alejandro and Adriana, who live in Guadalajara, Mexico, tell us the story of their family, with its great sorrows, and even greater joys.

Personal testimonies

“To give peace we need to have it, and Christ gives it to us”

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz has had various get-togethers with the 2,400 young people who have taken part in the UNIV meeting in Rome during Holy Week. He has listened to their stories and answered questions about peace, poverty, courtship, celibacy, friendship...

From the Prelate

Holy Week with Pope Francis

Words of Pope Francis during Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum in Rome.

From the Church and the Pope

"When I met Sofi"

During the 75th anniversary year of Opus Dei's arrival in Britain we will be posting a number of videos about people whose daily lives have been changed by their strengthened faith.

Personal testimonies

UNIV 2022: “Rebuilding Together: The Strength of Human Relationships”

More than 2,000 students will meet in Rome from April 10 to 17 to deepen their appreciation for Holy Week and reflect on the topic “Rebuilding Together: The Strength of Human Relationships.”

Recent News

Four Pioneers in the Fortunate Islands

Fifty years after the arrival of the first women of the Work in Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, here are the stories of four of them, who express their gratitude for all the fruit they have seen over the years.

Personal testimonies

Doubling the Size of Our Family

A Polish saying goes: “a guest in the house, God in the house.” The story of a Polish family that has opened its doors to Ukrainian refugees.

Personal testimonies

"We need an old age gifted with lively spiritual senses"

In his 30 March general audience Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the elderly, speaking about the figures of Simeon and Anna in the Gospel.

From the Church and the Pope