Number of articles: 836

2024 Rewind

A webstory of the year in review, with the top videos, audios, articles, and events on in 2024.

Recent News

St. Josemaría’s Message and Social Legacy 50 Years After His Journey Through Latin America

Address given by Msgr. Mariano Fazio, auxiliary vicar of Opus Dei, during the second edition of Be Do Care, in Sao Paolo (Brazil), on 10 October 2024.

Recent News

Romana 78: January - June 2024

"Romana," the official bulletin of the Prelature of Opus Dei, is now available online in English for the first 6 months of 2024.

Recent News

20 New Deacons for the Church: “Keep One Ear on God and the Other on the People”

On Saturday, 23 November twenty faithful of Opus Dei from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Chile, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Spain, and the United States were ordained to the diaconate. The ceremony took place at the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome, with Bishop Hugo Nicolás Barbaro, of San Roque de Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña (Argentina), presiding as the ordaining bishop.

Recent News

Piedad de la Cierva: Science, Passion, and Vision

The historian Inmaculada Alva shares her insight into the life of Spanish scientist Piedad de la Cierva, a pioneer of the 20th century. Through her research, Alva highlights De la Cierva’s remarkable contributions to science and her determination to forge a path in a predominantly male environment.

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Ramona Sanjurjo, the First Supernumerary Woman from Vigo

In this episode, historian Francisca Colomer shares Ramona Sanjurjo's life story. Ramona was one of the first supernumeraries of Opus Dei, born on 20 January 1916, in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). Colomer shares some highlights from the life of this dynamic and generous woman, whose enthusiasm and selflessness made her a notable figure in early 20th-century Vigo.

Recent News

Monthly Intention

The Prelate is suggesting that the faithful and friends of Opus Dei pray for this intention in a special way, from 2 October 2024 to 2 October 2025. The Region of East and South Asia also asks for all faithful and friends to keep the regional intention very much in mind in this period.

Recent News

Tomás and Paquita Alvira: Early Married Members of the Work

Tomás and Paquita were among the earliest married members of Opus Dei. Tomas ran a boarding school for orphans, was a college professor, and helped found a network of primary and secondary schools. Paquita was also a high school teacher and principal, and dedicated herself to her family.

Recent News

The Beginning of a Thrilling Story: Campus Muengersdorf

In this episode of "Fragments of History," German historian Barbara Schellenberger takes us back to the origins of the Muengersdorf Campus in Cologne, Germany. Through her stories, we will explore how this residence, founded in 1966, has played a crucial role in the holistic education of students from various parts of the world.

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"Nothing lasting is born or grows without love"

Young people who served as volunteers for the papal Mass in Singapore share their hopes before the Pope’s visit and other attendees’ experiences after.

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