Number of articles: 5176

Nathalie, Cooperator of Opus Dei

Nathalie lives in a rural district of Canada with her husband and eight children. When told by doctors that her youngest child would be born with a severe genetic disorder, she confronted the situation with great faith in God.

Cooperators of Opus Dei

My "Wild Novena" to Guadalupe

We desperately needed to sell our old house in order to buy a new one. I didn't even know who Guadalupe was, but I randomly discovered her on the Opus Dei website.


A Painting "Marathon" to Help Excluded Children

A young artist from Seville, Spain, set out to paint 400 paintings in 2 years, donating half of the profits to projects that help children at risk of social exclusion.

Social initiatives

Letter from the Prelate (14 June 2019)

Monsignor Ocáriz encourages us to celebrate the solemnities and feasts in June with deep joy and gratitude to God for his immense love.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Selling Simsim for School Fees

Husna Musa talks about her life in an impoverished district of Nairobi and how the Macheo programme at Strathmore University helped her excel in her studies in secondary school.

Personal testimonies

Saxum Foundation: Holy Land Dialogues

The Holy Land Dialogues, organized by Saxum Foundation, combines visits to the Holy Sites with academic lectures given by experts, with the aim of fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Holy Land.

Recent News

Pope's Prayer Intention for June 2019

Let us pray that priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively, above all, to solidarity with those who are most poor.

From the Church and the Pope

Masses across East Africa on the occasion of the feast of St. Josemaria

St. Josemaría was canonised in 2002 and his feast day is 26 June. Information about his life, and favours granted through his intercession, are available here( To mark the occasion, Masses will be celebrated in different cities and towns across East Africa. In many of these Masses, priests will be available for Confessions half an hour before the beginning of Mass. Mass details are given below.

Recent News

"I still read 'The Way' for inspiration"

Michael Miley, drummer for the Rival Sons, discovered the Catholic faith through a friend. He says Saint Josemaria's book "The Way" motivates him to want to do his work better.

Personal testimonies

Video: Pastoral Trip of Monsignor Ocáriz to Naples

The Prelate went to Naples on Saturday June 1st, and spent the day with faithful of Opus Dei and their friends.

From the Prelate