Number of articles: 5191

Thomas Aquinas' Love for the Truth

For the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas on 28 January, here are some paragraphs from Saint John Paul II's encyclical "Fides et Ratio" on Thomas Aquinas' great love for the truth.

Recent News

The Most Supernatural Reason

"God stakes everything on our freedom. True love can only be invited, after showing that one is worthy of it, since it can only be the fruit of freedom." A new article on Christian life.

Fostering Interior Life

Meditation of the Prelate on the Third Anniversary of his Appointment

On the third anniversary of the appointment of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz as Prelate of Opus Dei, we offer an audio and English transcript of a meditation he gave on 27 October 2019 about the central role of prayer in our life.

Publications, Interviews, and Other Messages

"Welcome Christians of another tradition"

In his general audience during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis speaks about the "ecumenical" hospitality Paul encountered in the people of Malta.

From the Church and the Pope

A Center for Women’s Health in Palestine

One year ago the first center in Palestine for the specific diagnosis of breast cancer was opened in Bethlehem. Its history is an example of how a spirit of service can cross over borders and reach the world's peripheries.

Social initiatives

Pedro Ballester’s Graduation

Pedro Ballester was a British numerary who died of cancer in January 2018 aged 21. Six months later he was awarded a Masters’ Degree from Manchester University posthumously. On the second anniversary of his death we publish an account of the graduation ceremony written by a friend who attended it.

Recent News

Josemaria, Once Again Among the Needy

"But what can I do?" On seeing so many needy people in the streets of Mazatlan (a coastal city in Mexico), Amparo asked herself what she could do to help. Today, more than 15 years later, Amparo’s question has found a clear answer.

Social initiatives

To Know Him and To Know Yourself (II): With Words Jesus Taught Us

"It is only by knowing what God holds deep in his heart that we can learn to pray truly." A new article in the series on prayer.

Fostering Interior Life

Spiritual Retreats 2020

A list of Spiritual Retreats in the following towns and conference centres.


Pastoral Visit to Kenya and Uganda

A summary of the recent trip to East Africa by the Prelate of Opus Dei, with video highlights of his days spent in Uganda and Kenya.

From the Prelate