Number of articles: 5192

Ugandan Doctor Wins 2020 Harambee Prize

A graduate of Makerere University in Uganda, Dr. Irene Kyamummi has worked for over ten years to provide health care for children in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

Social initiatives

Pope Francis Prays for an End to the Pandemic

Pope Francis left the Vatican on Sunday to visit two important pilgrimage sites in Rome to pray for the world in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

From the Church and the Pope

Set All The Bells Ringing

"At this moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women imbued with the spirit of the Gospel can do so much to assist mankind." An article about 14 February 1930.

Fostering Interior Life

"You will never have to walk alone"

A number of women from Portugal share their experiences of trying to live their faith in today's society.

Personal testimonies

Connected Amid the Quarantine

In Italy, the coronavirus has caused a lot of suffering as well as a lot of boredom. Some young people are connecting electronically to support one another during these exceptional circumstances.

Recent News

Suggestions from the Prelate for Confronting the Coronavirus Emergency

Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz offers some practical guidelines for confronting this extraordinary situation. "The Communion of Saints leads us to make our own what affects the others, because 'if one member suffers, all suffer with him.'"

Pastoral Letters and Messages

Growing on the "Inside"

With the spread of the coronavirus, authorities in many countries are asking citizens to reduce social activity as much as possible and to remain at home. This article offers a few ideas on how to face this extraordinary situation.

Recent News

Anniversary of the Pope's Election

Pope Francis was elected on March 13, 2013. He speaks here about the protection Saint Joseph constantly provides in watching over the Church.

From the Church and the Pope

Helping young girls to finish school

A graduate of Makerere University, Dr. Irene Kyamummi has worked for over ten years on the CHEP project, which provides health care to children aged 4-14 in the slums of Kenya's capital, Nairobi.


Heaven in Daily Instalments - Episode 1

Ever heard of the “heroic minute”? It was a term St Josemaría coined.
