Number of articles: 5192

Pro-life, Pro-march

I've never taken part in any demonstration, walk or march in my life! I've always given "support" from the safety of a sofa, behind a screen scrolling and with ‘likes’... This was my first time on the ground.


Online Mass for Holy Week

The midday Mass of the Chaplain of Eastlands College of Technology will not be streamed on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday. Streaming resumes on Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week, and then again from Easter Monday 13th April at the same time.


Audio Meditation of the Prelate: The New Commandment

Transcript and audio recording in English of reflections by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the meaning of Holy Week (second in a series of four).

Prelate of Opus Dei

The Communion of Saints: More United Than Ever

Praying for and accompanying loved ones and all those in need now, offering sacrifices for them. This is a splendid program for our spiritual life during these challenging days of confinement.

Fostering Interior Life

Holy Week: "He Loved Them to the End"

"At the heart of the Liturgical year lies the Paschal Mystery, the Triduum of our Lord’s Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection. The whole history of salvation revolves around these holy days."

Fostering Interior Life

Pope's Prayer Intention for April 2020

We pray that those suffering from addiction may be properly helped and accompanied.

From the Church and the Pope

Prayer Booklet to Accompany the Sick

This free booklet provides helpful reading and prayers for family and caregivers of those who are dying or gravely ill. Quotes from the saints - especially St. Josemaria - can help the person to prepare well for their encounter with the Lord.

Fostering Interior Life

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: United in the Last Supper

Transcript and audio recording in English of reflections by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the meaning of Holy Week (first in a series of four).

Prelate of Opus Dei

Our Family in Corona Time

Richard and Maria Büchsenmeister live in Jeging in Upper Austria. The two supernumeraries have a lot of experience in offering guidance to other families. No wonder, since they have 12 children themselves.

Personal testimonies

Letter from the Prelate (1 April 2020)

With Holy Week only a few days away and amid so much suffering, Monsignor Fernado Ocáriz invites us to look at Christ on the Cross, who is the source of our hope.

Pastoral Letters and Messages