Number of articles: 5192

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: Easter Sunday

Transcript and audio recording in English of reflections by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the meaning of Holy Week (fourth in a series of four).

Prelate of Opus Dei

Stabat Mater Playlist: A "Soundtrack" for Holy Saturday

The hymn "Stabat Mater" describing Mary's sorrow at the foot of the Cross has been set to music countless times by composers over the centuries. Their renditions of this moving song can help you to accompany Our Lady on this Holy Saturday.

Fostering Interior Life

Under the Fig Tree: Accompanying Our Loved Ones

Just as Jesus accompanied Nathaniel from afar, under the fig tree, we too can accompany our loved ones if we are united to Christ.

Fostering Interior Life

Make a Virtual Visit to 7 Churches #StayHome

Many Catholics around the world visit seven churches after Mass on Holy Thursday. This year we have a unique opportunity to travel much farther virtually, accompanying Jesus through spiritual visits to churches around the world.

Fostering Interior Life

Holy Week with the Pope: Homilies, Videos and More

In his April 1st letter, the Prelate of Opus Dei encouraged us to "take advantage of the opportunities that technology offers to follow the Holy Week services united to the Pope." To help you do this, this article will be updated during the week with the Pope's homilies, messages, and more.

From the Church and the Pope

Audio Meditation of the Prelate: Christ, Mirror of our Weakness

Transcript and audio recording in English of reflections by Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the meaning of Holy Week (third in a series of four).

Prelate of Opus Dei

Pro-life, Pro-march

I've never taken part in any demonstration, walk or march in my life! I've always given "support" from the safety of a sofa, behind a screen scrolling and with ‘likes’... This was my first time on the ground.


April Recollection Kit (2020)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer in which we can look at our lives in the presence of God. As we live Holy Week against the backdrop of a global plague, this guide for a "recollection-at-home" will help you spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where you are.

Fostering Interior Life

Mothers for baby skull caps

The mothers of Hodari Junior Club have been meeting for tea at a local cafe, once a month, every month for the last five years. 'Their meets are book club meets, but in these same five years, they've also dared to venture on a number of interesting projects.


Online Recollection for April 2020 on Good Friday

The day of recollection is a time for prayer and reflection on some topics of our spiritual life.

Fostering Interior Life